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Case Study

De La Riva Law

How a law firm established itself as an appealing option for its target audiences.


De La Riva Law was looking for a way to expand awareness of its firm and grow its reach within its target area. By building a robust and branded website, expanding its social media presence, and delivering strategic printed materials, CODESM was able to improve the qualified leads that came to the law firm.

The Challenge

CODESM’s challenge was not only to help more people become aware of De La Riva Law and the services they had to provide but also to make sure that the law firm’s marketing reached the people who would be most interested in their services. CODESM had to capture De La Riva’s unique branding and communicate it in a compelling, multi-channel, and targeted way.

The Approach

CODESM’s solution was first to develop a robust website driven by compelling images and clearly written copy. The website served to improve De La Riva’s presence in the search results for relevant search terms and to encourage action from website visitors. Next, CODESM took over the law firm’s social media accounts in order to create a vibrant, strategically branded online presence. The result was to grow an active following and to expand brand awareness. Finally, CODESM invested in a number of print materials that reflected the law firm’s brand and encouraged consumers to check out the website. Together, all of these approaches expanded the law firm’s reach while helping to target its marketing to its preferred audiences.

Marketing Strategy & Plans

Develop a marketing strategy that connects you with potential customers and gets them to take action.

Social Media Management

Create and run effective ads tailored to each unique social channel and target audience.

Communication Strategy

Communication Strategy

Develop a tailored brand voice, messaging, and communication strategy based on when and how your target audience will respond the best.

Graphic Design

Create visually compelling and professional designs that effectively communicate your brand's message across digital and print media, ensuring a cohesive and impactful visual identity.

Website Design & Development

Build the kind of website your business deserves with the aim on optimal conversions.

Content Creation

Craft compelling, branded content that moves consumers through the sales funnel, turning leads into paying customers.

Traditional Marketing

From direct mail to print campaigns, fortify your digital marketing with traditional marketing.


CODESM’s work with De La Riva Law expanded their brand and online presence.

  • All
  • Social Media
  • Website
  • Print


CODESM’s work with De La Riva Law gave the firm a renewed online presence and a more compelling way to present itself to its target audiences. As a result, they were able to earn more leads and more business, as well as improve their audience’s perception of them in the geographic area that they served.
