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Case Study

Rolando Cantu

How a new law firm established its brand in the Rio Grande Valley.


Rolando Cantu was looking for a way to raise awareness of his law firm among his target audiences and turned to CODESM for assistance. CODESM leveraged a number of brand-building tools to promote the law firm and was able to generate a dramatic increase in leads as a result.

The Challenge

A start-up law firm had legal expertise to offer clients, but not the marketing expertise required to reach those clients. They required a marketing partner who could establish their brand and promote awareness of their business. For the assistance they needed, they turned to CODESM.

The Approach

CODESM’s solution was to anchor Roland Cantu’s brand with a conversion-driven website and to manage the firm’s social media presence with branded content that generated an active following.
In addition, CODESM developed the tools Rolando Cantu needed to expand his law firm’s reach among his target audiences: A local SEO campaign and a direct mail campaign.

Marketing Strategy & Plans

Develop a marketing strategy that connects you with potential customers and gets them to take action.

Social Media Management

Create and run effective ads tailored to each unique social channel and target audience.

Graphic Design

Create visually compelling and professional designs that effectively communicate your brand's message across digital and print media, ensuring a cohesive and impactful visual identity.

Website Design & Development

Build the kind of website your business deserves with the aim on optimal conversions.

Direct Mail Marketing

Incorporate traditional marketing methods to reach your target audience in the most effective channels.

Search Engine Optimization

Use powerful Google Ads to reach people who are searching for your product or service.


CODESM’s work with Roland Cantu expanded the firm’s brand and online presence.

  • All
  • Social Media
  • Website
  • Print


Since beginning work with Rolando Cantu, CODESM has set his law firm as a recognized resource for potential clients in the RGV.
